Hydroelectric plant in Ramiola
Water-flow hydroelectric plant in Ramiola along the Taro River
Water-flow hydroelectric plant in Ramiola along the Taro River
The hydroelectric plant is located in the municipality of Medesano at the intake area of the Canale del Duca just downstream from the bridge between Fornovo and Ramiola.
The plant uses the existing level difference at the river crossing downstream from the road bridge. The plant in part uses the existing brickwork of the intake canal to reduce the impact of the project, just downstream from it to guarantee the priority of the intake to the consortium canal.
From an architectural point of view, the plant building is made up of a single parallelepiped covered with a metal grid which characterises the form and the external material aspect. The proposal was evaluated positively by the respective Architecture, Fine Arts and Landscape Superintendency in Parma.
The hydraulic characteristics of the site meant the adoption of a particular hydraulic spiral turbine structure with a vertical axis Kaplan turbine inside that is moved in a radial sense which allows for the optimisation of the machine at the same time limiting the vertical size of the plant.
Gruppo Ariston – Parma
Year of execution:
2016-2018 – in progress
Service level performed:
Definitive and executive design, safety coordination int he design phase
Work progress:
Definitive project completed
Waiting for authorisation for building
Estimated costs:
€ 1.110.000,00
Technical characteristics:
Level difference: 3,22 m
Maximum flow to turbines: 10,0 m³/s
Average annual flow: 4,60 m³/s
Power: 145,31 kW
Maximum power: 268,5 kW
Potential annual energy production: 1.047.132 kWh
Turbine: Kaplan mono-regulating
Project/service signatory technicians:
Binini Partners S.r.l.
Eng. Tiziano Binini, Eng. Gianluca Lombardi, , Eng. Ed. Arch. Francesco De Benedittis
Hydroelectric plant in Ramiola
Water-flow hydroelectric plant in Ramiola along the Taro River