IRCCS Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio in MIND Milan
The hospital for 21st century healthcare: the new IRCCS Galeazzi
The Hospital of the future is now a reality
CNETO Award 2019 – Best Project
The new headquarters of the IRCCS Galeazzi in the ex Expo Milano 2015 area, which is known today as MIND, Milano Innovation District, along with the Human Techno-pole and the Università Statale, is one of the main points of the new research, innovation and healthcare ecosystem. This is an unprecedented project in Italy and one of the most advanced in Europe.
The new structure – a building of approximately 180,000 m2 of modern architectural conception, designed according to the most innovative standards of sustainability and functionality – combines in a single location the skills and specializations of the two existing Institutes that are part of the GSD Group, the IRCCS Galeazzi Orthopedic Institute and Sant’Ambrogio Clinical Institute. The new hospital went into operation in August 2022.
Therefore, the New Galeazzi is the first example in Italy of the hospital of the future, based on close integration of research, university training and treatment. It is also the first example of a vertical hospital in Italy and among the few in the world.
As well as the classrooms for the university and the research labs, the offer in terms of reception has been increased to 600 beds, which are accompanied by diagnostic and intervention spaces and technologies, according to the most advanced treatment methods, the most modern concepts of hospital technology, organization and provision of health services, within the integrated network of hospitals of the San Donato Group.
The project, winner of the CNETO Award 2019 as “Best Project”, is a candidate for LEED GOLD V4 Certification.
GSD Real Estate S.r.l.
Year of execution:
2017 – 2022
Performed service level:
Preliminary design;
Final design for obtaining the building permit;
Executive planning;
Safety Coordination in the Design Phase;
Return of the executive project on the BIM model.
Work progress:
Completed (opened August 22, 2022).
Project work amount:
€ 341.071.323,24
Overall healthcare surface area:
215.000 m²
Operative blocks:
Bed spaces:
871 bed spaces
Project/service signatory technicians:
Binini Partners S.r.l.
Architecture, Health, Education & Research , Interior Design, Planning & Landscape, Masterplan, Environment and Landscape, Urban Design & Development, Parks, Healthcare, Interior, Structural Engineering, Sustainability, High Technologies, Specialist Laboratories, Eng. Tiziano Binini, Arch. Cecilia Morini, Eng. Raffaele Ramolini, Eng. Ed. Arch. Francesco De Benedittis, Eng. Fabrizio Placido, Eng. Gianluca Lombardi, Eng. Cristian Torelli, Eng. Alberto Baroni, Eng. Elena Morini, Geologist Mario Mambrini
IRCCS Galeazzi in Milan
The hospital for 21st century healthcare: the new IRCCS Galeazzi