Food Lab Project in Parma
Design of the Food Project Area in the Science and Technology Master campus in Parma
Design of the Food Project Area in the Science and Technology Master campus in Parma
This is the definitive and executive development of the Food Project Area in the Science and Technology Mastercampus in Parma to complete the 1997 plan and the complete activation of the campus.
The new higher education international School for Food and Nutrition Studies is the centre of the Food project system. It is a prestigious training centre, offering post-graduate training. It will be a hub that could allow the University to become one of the main international players in the food sector which is so important for the area.
The Food Centre project follows the requalification and the optimisation of the current Food Science Department.
The design was performed using the BIM method with great attention to sustainability, with a multidisciplinary approach using a systemic vision o the building with the precise purpose of guaranteeing the greatest possible flexibility with high standards of efficiency. Constructive solution were used that could guarantee perfect adaptability for the necessary changes as time goes by, both in terms of spaces and technologies used, simplifying the introduction of the possible projects that the structure could host, thus optimising the maintenance and management costs. Indeed, the new building has to guarantee the suitable technical and scientific efficiency as well as the appropriate comfort for the users and close collaboration with the local community.
Università di Parma
Year of execution:
2018 – in progress
Performed service level:
Definitive and executive project
Work progress:
In progress
Total surface:
6.560 m²
Project/service signatory technicians:
Binini Partners S.r.l.
Eng. Tiziano Binini, Eng. Alberto Baroni, Eng. Ed. Arch. Francesco De Benedittis, Eng. Elena Morini
Food Lab Project in Parma
Design of the Food Project Area in the Science and Technology Master campus in Parma