Adjustment and raising of bridges at Baccanello in Guastalla
Feasibility study
Feasibility study for water defence adjustments of the Baccanello railway bridge on the Parma – Suzzara line on the Crostolo River at the inlet to the Po, following the flood of October 2000.
Direction, measurement, amounting and safety coordination for the intervention following the flood of October 2000, safety measures for the bridge on the ex S.S. 62 state road and the railway bridge on the Parma – Suzzara line, in Baccanello on the Crostolo River at the inlet to the Po. The intervention, in conformity with the previous feasibility study performed by Studio Binini, includes the raising of the two bridges to reach the minimum height required for maximum flood levels. This will be done using hydraulic jacks and subsequent repositioning after the raising of the supports. The project also requires the reconstruction of the road and railway access ramps to bring them up to the new height of the bridges. The projects follows emergency measure ordinance 3090/2000 of the Protezione Civile (Territorial Protection Agency).
Ferrovie Emilia Romagna S.r.l.
Estimated work costs:
€ 3.098.741,39 (L.
Task cost:
€ 7.746,85 (L. 15.000.000)
Project/service signatory technicians:
Binini Partners S.r.l.
Eng. Tiziano Binini, Eng. Giovanni Frati, Eng. Cristian Torelli