My job:
I collaborate with Binini Partners because it is a reality that, every day, allows me to face new and exciting challenges, capable of enriching my professional background, of helping me grow and mature as an industrial technical expert.
It is a welcoming and stimulating environment, in which I have the opportunity to relate to the design of complex works and to learn about every aspect of what they will be.
In Binini Partners I found a team of professionals, capable of transmitting to me their experience and the passion they put into everything they do.
My experiences:
I was born in Castelnovo Ne Monti in 1966 and in 1987 I obtained a diploma as an industrial engineer in electrical engineering at the ITIS L. Nobili in Reggio Emilia.
After graduating I worked in the technical office of Orion until 1996, the year in which I passed the exam for registration in the professional register and we founded the technical studio Penta engineering together with the current partners.
Since 2014 I have been working in Binini Partners as a collaborator in the preliminary, definitive, executive and coordinated planning of public and private works, construction and infrastructure in relation to electrical and special systems.
You need to have a heart capable of patience.
Great designs are only created with a lot of patience and a lot of time.