Arch. Luca Corradini

Binini Partners, Società di architettura e ingegneria, Reggio Emilia, Italia
Quello dell'architetto è un mestiere antico come cacciare, pescare, coltivare ed esplorare. Dopo la ricerca del cibo viene la ricerca della dimora. Ad un certo punto, l'uomo, insoddisfatto dei rifugi offerti dalla natura, è diventato architetto per proteggere e migliorare la vita la sua vita sulla terra e appagare il suo credo nella nobiltà della sua esistenza (Renzo Piano)

My job:

I started collaborating with Binini Partners because is one of the most consolidated and renowned reality in the Reggio Emilia area as well as nationwide.

This job allows me to take on new and exciting challenges, that enrich my professional knowledge and help me grow as an architect.

It’s a very welcoming work place, that gives me the opportunity to relate with a lot of professionals that operate in different areas, from which i can draw experience in the buildings design process.


My experiences:

I was born in Reggio Emilia, Italy in 1994 and in 2019 I obtained my master’s degree in Architecture at the Parma University.

In december of the same year I obtained the qualification to practice as an architect. In january of 2020 I joined the architects order of Reggio Emilia.

In december 2022 i started working at Binini Partners as a collaborating architect. Here i deal with preliminary, definitive, executive and coordinated architectural design of both public and private buildings.

After a 3 years partnership with another architectural firm  i decided to join Binini Partners in order to enhance my knownledge and my professional growth. Here i also manage all the paperwork related to the projects and develop different project ideas.


Our job it’s not just about creating a building itself but also everything that surrounds it

You can’t think about architecture without thinking about the humans that will live those spaces.